A new week means a new chance to run! My only goal is to beat last week’s mileage. So how’d this week go?
sunday, march 24
8.2km with adidas Runners! This was an interval workout: 1.5km warm-up Pseudo pyramid workout: 2*(2 min, 3 min, 4 min @ 5:45min/km) (2 min, 3 min @5:45min/km) 1km cool down
I ran with the 5:45min/km group because I didn’t run much last week and I ate a lot of junk food in celebration of Purim…so when the coaches said the workout was going to be tough, I backed down. This actually wasn’t necessary, because I definitely felt like I still had some gas in the tank after! Oh well, at least it was still a great work-out!
monday, march 25
The weather was gross today, and I had to work late, so instead of running today I ate a lot of bourekas and rugelach/chocolate croissants! #restdaybrags
tuesday, march 26
Today I ran 10.8km:
.6km running from the bus to the adidas runbase…trying to get the the workout in time. I failed…so I decided to run on my own.
When I started my 10km run, I was going fast, and felt good! I decided to try to push it hard for 5km, to see how it felt. The first 4km were averaged 5:39min/km, and km 5 was 5:08! I ran the 5km in 27:48, and I haven’t run that fast in ages..
I then ran another 5.2km at a chill, easy pace.
wednesday, march 27
I had a horrible day, so I didn’t run, and instead ate this delicious pasta:

thursday, march 28
I had a much better day, but still didn’t run. Oh well!
friday, march 28
Today I ran the Savyon 10K! Click HERE to read my recap.
saturday, march 29
I had a nice, relaxing day with my boyfriend that included a leisurely brunch at home, a stroll around Tel Aviv, cooking meals for the week, and videochatting with my parents. No running…
total distance: 29km
Well, I ran more than last week, so I achieved my goal! I’m looking forward to seeing what next week brings.