Here we go–my first weekly running recap! I don’t know if this will be a constant part of my blog, but as long as I’m focusing on a goal race, I think it’s a nice way to keep me accountable. It doesn’t hurt that this is also easy blog content…
NOTE: In Israel, the work week is Sunday-Thursday, and the weekend is Friday-Saturday. This means that 1. My workout week starts with Sunday, and 2. The way Strava divides its weeks does NOT work for me anymore…I wish I could change this!
sunday, march 3
10.5km, including an adidas Runners interval run:
1.5km warm up
3 sets of
1 min, 2 min, 3 min @ 5:30min/km
1.5 min easy running in between each faster interval
cool down…maybe 1km?
The adidas Runners portion was 7km in total (the other 3.5km were running to/from the runbase). Although I did check my watch frequently during the intervals, I had no problem keeping up with the group. I was also happy to see that whenever I checked my watch, we were running faster than 5:30min/km! Two women kept asking if I was okay during the run, so I must have looked like I was suffering. I wasn’t–my face just turns bright red whenever I exist run. All in all, I consider this run a success!
monday, march 4
I was supposed to attend another adidas Runners interval run, but PMS left me feeling miserable, to the point where going to run with a group of friendly strangers was not appealing. Instead, I took it easy at home, hanging out with a friend who is visiting from NYC. No regrets. <3
Tuesday, March 5
I felt MUCH better! I was supposed to attend an adidas Runners tempo run, but decided to skip it in order to be social in the evening. Instead, I went for a nice 10km run along the boardwalk. I ran the first and last 1.5ish km easy for warm up/cool down, and the middle 7km at 5:30-5:50min/km. This was my compromise for missing the actual tempo run, and I feel pretty good about it.
Afterwards, I went to a friend’s house for a potluck dinner that she hosted in honor of her mom’s visit. It was SO nice to hang out with a great group of women, and feel like I’m beginning to find my people in Tel Aviv.
wednesday, march 6
I didn’t plan to run today…so I didn’t!
thursday, march 7
I purposely skipped the adidas Runners event tonight, because on Thursdays they add HIIT (high intensity interval training) exercises (squats, lunges, burpees, push-ups, etc.). I’m running a 10K tomorrow that’s supposed to be a tough course, and…I don’t want to show up already dying.
Instead, I ran 8km at an easy pace (today that was 6:35min/km), just to get some kms under my feet.
friday, march 8
I ran the Ra’anana 10K! 10km at 6:11min/km

saturday, march 9
Today I went on a chill 4km run with my boyfriend! It’s the first time we’ve ever run together, and I hope it won’t be the last. 🙂

post-run victory selfie!
Total distance: 42.5km
my thoughts
This week was a bit of a mixed bag. I should have started this last week, when I didn’t skip any workouts! I alternate between wanting to be very regimented with my schedule to trying to find a balance that works for me. Still, I did run 5 days this week, which is a win for me! My goal for the next few weeks is to build a solid base of running (running regularly each week), so that when I start training a bit more intensely for the Brooklyn Half Marathon, I’ll be ready to push myself a bit more.